Leveraging Our Hope For The Future
It is in the giving and the stewardship, and the ACTION of love, love for the earth and for the people.
It is in the giving and the stewardship, and the ACTION of love, love for the earth and for the people.
It is the MAKER of heaven and earth that has given us the land to be good stewards over.
It is the MAKER of heaven and earth that has given us the land to be good stewards over.
How do we leverage hope for the future if we do not shepherd the present?
How do we leverage hope for the future if we do not shepherd the present?
It is in the stewardship, the caring of and loving what is placed before us to nurture.
It is in the stewardship, the caring of and loving what is placed before us to nurture.
That is the leverage for the hope of the future.
That is the leverage for the hope of the future.
Let us come together and cultivate so that we may sow the seed of hope, acknowledging our diverse abilities and sharing the harvest of our lives.
Let us come together and cultivate so that we may sow the seed of hope, acknowledging our diverse abilities and sharing the harvest of our lives.